Trabajo del artista/The artist`s work

Arte Vivo o Live art es el soporte escogido por la artista. A través de la interacción presencial trabaja a favor de la desnudez del individuo. La autenticidad y la sinceridad son los principales objetivos de cada acción.

Siendo un trabajo ecléctico en contenidos, ya que se formulan conceptos tales como tiempo, espacio, género…hay un componente que los consolida como unidad, un lenguaje poético que nace de la metódica selección de elementos y de una sencilla, llamémosle, puesta en acción. En su discurso se pueden obtener diversas lecturas a un mismo tiempo.

El aprendizaje pictórico y dramático la han ayudado a establecer un vínculo con la performance no solo desde la plástica sino desde el vertiginoso encuentro con uno mismo.

Live art is the medium chosen by the artist because by means of the presential interaction the nakedness of the being is favoured. Authenticity and sincerity are the principal objectives of each action.

Although the contents is eclectic, as concepts such as time, space, genus, are formulated, there is a component that consolidates them as a unit, this being a poetic language that stems from the methodical selection of visual elements and a simple presentation. This language, “forks” obtaining different readings at the time.

Pictorial and dramatic studies have helped to establish a link with the performance not only visual but also through the vertiginous meeting with one`s self.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

AcciónMAD + Abierto de Acción

Noviembre 2013  EMOCIONES LIMITADAS (Live Art)

New website

HYAKKI YAKOU - A Night Walk of A Hundred Demons

  In collaboration with Yumino Seki, Butoh dance. Coastal Currents Arts Festival, Hastings, UK

 HYAKKI YAKOU is a site-specific Butoh dance performance inspired by the Durbar Hall at Hastings Museum & Art Gallery UK. Performed on 26, 28 29th September 2013.
Conceived and performed by Yumino Seki, Aisa Boaa and Mai Nguyen Tri
Lighting Jim Roseveare, Soundscape Nick Weekes and Costume Anoushka Athique.
Hyakki Yakou literally translates to a night walk of a hundred demons. In 17century Japan objects were believed to be given lives after nearly serving 100 years and the demons were the spirits of deserted objects.
The piece incorporated choreography, light, sound, costume and guided viewing within the architecture. They were equally valued to stimulate a viewer’s multidimensional experience. Throughout the piece the choreography drew from stages of the transformation of the object.
HYAKKI YAKOU examined a visual aesthetic with a sensory presence, which totally transformed the Durbar Hall.
This project was supported by Arts Council England and The Japan Society. Kindly hosted by Hastings Museum & Art Gallery and listed in Coastal Currents festival 2013 and the Japan 400.

sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

HAIKU (Brighton)


                                   Foto: Huw Bartlett



Instal-acción (Install-action)+ Sound piece - Pieza sonora (4th of May 2012 at The Prince Albert, BRIGHTON.)

In the poem `Works and Days´ where Hesíodo narrates the ` Myth of the Races ´ the human beings are split into different races that seem to follow a progressive decline order and  they are metals alike: Firstly the Gold race appears, next the Silver one, then the Bronze one and finally the Iron race. However among these races there is another one that does not belong to the metals family. This is the Heroes race in between the bronze and iron ones.
Why the existence of a race that has nothing to do with metals?
What is the meaning of metals? 
The only thing they all share is that they left the sunlight when the time came…  

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Homemade Performance

1st Note2nd Note

E-mail from a neighbour sent to my flatmate:  
(...) Also, do you happen to know whether anyone in your flat has been leaving the anonymous notes on the notice board - one appeared yesterday which said 'There is too much ignorance in this world' in red capital letters and seemed a bit angry to be on a communal notice board so I removed it, today another on appeared saying 'OK, ignorance is bliss'. As they are on the communal notice board I assume they are directed at someone in the building, although it is not clear who and why. Do you know if anyone in your flat is unhappy about something? Or do you think it might originate from the second floor? I don't really want to confronted with notes like that when I come into the building but I am unsure what, if anything to do about it. 


domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

Black Chrysanthe-mum

Tan solo una casa hecha a mano, un puzzle hecho a mordiscos y un observatorio repleto de manzanas donde escribir...
Unos botines marrones que junto a la puerta no entienden por qué tienen que esperar… Un lienzo viejo donde unos niños miran fríamente a los ojos. How the children stare!

Verde oscuro, muy oscuro, dismal, estanques empantanados.
Amarillo, amarillo sucio, le diste la espalda al fuego. He reads Truth, but his passion?
Puertas que se esconden, ventanas huidizas y un triste camino que recorre todo rincón de la casa a lomos de un gusano. 

Una muy triste casa que recibe visitas a cada instante.

Un paseo pedregoso con miradas hacia atrás.
But when the self speaks to the self, who is speaking?

There is the door!
No, no, I dare not.
Courage, courage!
If I open my arms, it is you I embrace.
I´m with you now.

Un deseo envuelve a la piedra que se arroja al rio. La piedra es envuelta por un deseo que se hunde y viaja por primera vez... Are we past Lewes?

Un cisne pasea por encima de todas las cosas…

Perhaps there will be a moment later by the sea… must be the sea…


(No hay fotos. There are no pictures)

                                                             Dedicated to Virginia Woolf                             

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011



lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Passer_by Poem (Poema sonoro)

Brighton, U.K. Julio 2011.

Colaboración en el proyecto Outsider de Elizabeth Ross mx.

martes, 21 de junio de 2011

El Arte, como el hombre, es la descomposición de la sencillez en una búsqueda infinita de sí misma.

The Art, like humans, is the simplicity´s distortion in an endless search for itself.